festivals | Arts | Exhibitions

Pasafest 2022

Jayne County, Penis Planet: The feminization of the male sex organ as art - 2021

In ancient times, the hard phallus was a symbol of male fertility. In the world of Penis Planet, the cock becomes liberated from the body and takes on its own personality.  Many penises shed their male jobs of being a reproductive organ that ejects semen into another human form and become their own feminine selves wearing ruby red lips with huge ears and heavily made-up eyes. Some become crosses of death for Egyptian cat goddess BASTET!  Other penises declare their independence become, spiritual figures in their own right and are seen as creatures in their own world or planet. PENIS PLANET!  Where penises live in a world of their own. 

Open to the public during regular hours October 16-November 21, 2021


Pasafest - 2020

Virtual music and arts festival organized by PPS’s Special Events Committee Members. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the committee had to be creative in showcasing the musicians and visual artists included in the original lineup for the in-person event. If you are interested in hearing the sounds of A Circle of Atoms: The Pasaquan Sessions, check out the vinyls for sale at Institute 193.



Music and Artist festival organized by PPS’s Special Events Committee members Charles Fowler, Jamie Barrow, Lauren Cantrell, Mike McFalls, and Fred Fussell.

Eddie Owens Martin, Pasaquoyan in the City: Fashioning a Southern Saint - 2018

Exhibited at Institute 193 (1B), 292 East 3rd Street, Manhattan, curated by Annie Moye and Michael McFalls.


Pasaquan at Atlanta contemporary - 2017

Solo exhibition of St. EOM’s paintings and works on paper



Composed by James Ogburn, a resident artist at Pasaquan, the opera explores the self-taught artist’s journey from his upbringing as a  sharecropper’s son to his life in New York to his return to Georgia to create Pasaquan.